In 2017, the City was awarded the Bronze Bicycle Friendly Award from The League of American Bicyclists. Community Planning & Economic Development, Parks and Recreation, and Public Services are working together, along with Kalamazoo County Parks, local bicycle advocacy groups, and local anchor institutions, to provide a comprehensive bicycle network. With City partners and local businesses, the goal is to achieve a gold certificate by 2020.

The Bicycle Network: Existing & Planned map shown below details existing and future routes, many of which were identified with IK2025 participants to connect neighborhoods with destinations. 


Bicycle Route Types

Bike Lane

A Bike Lane is a portion of the roadway that is designated for use by bicyclists. A Bike Lane is marked with striping, signage, or pavement markings.

Shown on the map above in blue.


A Sharrow is a street that can be used by both motorists and bicyclists. A Sharrow is indicated by a painted bike symbol in the roadway.

Shown on the map above in orange.

Source: Streets MN

Source: Streets MN

Wide Shoulder

Wide Shoulders are extended areas of the paved roadway that can be used by bicyclists.

Shown on the map above in yellow.

Signed Route

A Signed Route is marked by a street sign indicating that bikes can ride on the roadway.

Shown on the map above in pink.

KRVT Upjohn Park, Photo Credit: Rebekah KikAn example of a shared used path in Kalamazoo is the Kalamazoo River Valley Trail. 

KRVT Upjohn Park, Photo Credit: Rebekah Kik

An example of a shared used path in Kalamazoo is the Kalamazoo River Valley Trail. 

Shared Use Path/Trail

A Shared Use Path/Trail is a bike path that is separated from the roadway and can be used by both bikes and pedestrians.

Shown on the map above in green.